Sunday, March 18, 2012

It’s March 2012 and the country is already falling apart!

Right now as I am typing away on my keyboard, the media is talking about the potential for $6 a gallon gas. In parts of Europe it’s already at $10. Are we soon to follow?

Food process, which have held relatively steady so far are now steadily climbing, with some economists guesstimating they could rise as much as 25% before the end of the year!

Our government, which was elected to solve problems, is now the problem! Congressional approval by all parties has them at just 9%. And, as incredulous as it may seem, assembly of legislators has been unable to come up with a budget in over three years! Do you get the feeling this may all end poorly?

Now, would be a good time to get your house in order, mom and pop. Start thinking about how you will get around and how you will eat when there is no gas at the pump and no food in the stores.

Think I’m crazy. ‘A report released March 16, 2012 by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says that President Barack Obama’s 2013 budget will add some $6.7 trillion in deficits over the next decade, almost doubling the federal debt by 2022.’ That would mean that for every dollar the government took in from taxes it would also have to borrow a dollar just to stay afloat. Does that sound even remotely sustainable to you?

OK. So enough of the doom and gloom. It’s time that every American family took stock of their particular situation and get into action. Imagine that only food you will be able to get on a regular basis is the food you grow, the fish you catch or the animals you kill. Before it gets to that, sit down with your family and make some plans. If nothing bad happens to the economy, then you had the pleasure of spending some time together. If things go to hell in a hand basket, then the time was well spent.

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