Sunday, April 1, 2012

What is a casual (garden) survivor anyway?

A few people have lately asked me if maybe a little senility has set into the deep and dark recesses of my mind. They wondered what I meant by the term casual survivor? Isn’t survival anything BUT casual??

OK, let me handle that first question. Yes, I may be a little senile… in which case you have to be nice to me. Second, what I meant by the term ‘casual’ was anyone who takes a ‘I’m going to be prepared for bad times, but will not be crazy about it’ attitude. The sort of people who are keenly aware that throughout history civilizations has grown big only to fall. And, as you might guess, should a big concern like the United States fall, it would do so big time! So, yes, they have the attitude that if there are things they can do to help shelter and feed themselves even in the event of a total collapse, then they’ll go for it. But understand, these people are not survival nuts who spend their time stashing guns and ammo and gas masks in the basement. Rather, they prefer to focus on doing those things that can maybe help get them through a rough spot or two. Like discovering the grocery market will have no food for a week or two or three. That’s what I mean by the casual survivor.

In this blog, I’ve tried to focus primarily on the food issue. That is, if everything goes down the crapper, you still must still eat. And, the best way to insure that is to either hoard some food or grow it. Gardening for the Casual Survivor is all about doing a little of both. In the coming weeks and months, I hope to be able to add some insights on how to grow stuff in a hurry. Included will be articles on what to grow and what not to grow. Some vegetables offer ‘nutrient dense nourishment’ while others are pretty much a waste of time. Radishes come to mind. They taste great and are easy to grow, but off very little in the way of substance.

So, in a nutshell, that is what this blog is all about. Growing and saving food in an economical and efficient manner. The casual way…

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