Thursday, March 22, 2012

Those nice lettuce suprises found in odd places!

When you’re not in a survival mode, you can still take advantage of odd spots around your property to plant out some onion sets, cucumbers or whatever you might have. In this case, I had planted some lettuce seed back late last summer in a piece of bare ground by my drive. The plants got to be just big enough to survive what turned out to be a mild winter. I did nothing to help them other than a single time in early March to remove some weeds that were threatening to choke the area.

As you can see, even one small head of romaine can provide a couple of nutritious salads in early spring! I also harvested some chives that come up every year to throw in. Now, while you could not survive on lettuce and chives, it goes to show how just a little effort can provide some ‘nice surprises that can be added to whatever you have put up over the winter. In a situation where you might have to depend on your own devices, getting some green in March could prove important!

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